AmiCOUR IP Group Introduces You To Its Leadership
Scott Bechtel, CLP
 Tony Escobar, MBA

Art Cohen, MBA
Jim Burgess, CMA

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Potential IP Devaluation?
US Supreme Court Agrees
to Hear Microsoft v. i4i

by J. Scott Bechtel, CLP
Brian J. Fahey, Esq.

LES Viewpoints (Cover)

Update IAM Disciplines to Dodge False Marking Trolls
by J. Scott Bechtel, CLP
Adrian P. J. Mollo, Esq.

LES Viewpoints (page 4)

Google That Patent?
USPTO And Google Team Up To Make IP Data Accessible

by J. Scott Bechtel, CLP
Tony Escobar, MBA
LES Viewpoints (Cover)

New IP in IT:
Gadgets, Widgets, Clouds Portals And Lots Of Sharing

by J. Scott Bechtel, CLP
LES Viewpoints (Cover)

Maximum Value at
Minimum Cost

by J. Scott Bechtel, CLP
Ray I. Throckmorton, CPA
IAM Magazine

Price Your Case:
Expected Value Calculations
in  Patent Litigation

by J; Scott Bechtel, CLP
Ray I. Throckmorton, CPA
Les Nouvelles

Infrared Optoelectronics
Devices and Applications

by J. Scott Bechtel
William Nunley
Marcel Dekker

Royalty Audit Checklist
by Ray Throckmorton, CPA


Jim Burgess, AmiCOUR EVPJim Burgess, CMA, MSIA
Executive Vice President
Jim is a Certified Managerial Accountant and finance executive well equipped to deliver over 15 years of professional expertise to AmiCOUR clients. He understands the elements that drive growth and profits in IP-centric businesses. Jim’s professional career includes progressive positions in finance, operations, and general management spanning a broad spectrum of technology driven industry. He has held finance and management positions in TRW, Inc., Pulte Homes, Ryan Homes, Hewlett Packard, and General Motors.

Jim understands how all forms of intellectual property impact profits within the information technology, semiconductor, automotive, industrial and construction segments. In addition, he understands how to assemble and manage the elements necessary to successfully commercialize a promising new technology.

Management experience in the UK and successful negotiations in China are noteworthy elements in Jim’s international experience portfolio, which also includes closing deals in Malaysia, Thailand, and Australia. He knows how to develop complex, long-term partnerships and understands the business models essential to effective financial decision making. Jim has the expertise to help clients measure and monetize the value of their intellectual property assets. He holds a business degree from Michigan State University, a Master’s degree in economics from the University of California Santa Barbara, and a Master of Science in Industrial Administration (MBA) from Carnegie Mellon University’s Tepper School of Business.