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Leak It, You Lose It:
Should We Let Treasure Hunters Claim Gulf
May 22. 2010 - (Editorial) May's
news was dominated by the environmental damage from BP's leaking oil,
with almost no mention of the dollar value of several tankers of oil
floating freely in the Gulf of Mexico. Actor and inventor Kevin Costner
disclosed his $24 million investment in
oil recovery and separation technology capable of collecting
floating oil in massive volumes. Costner's prototype produces 200
gallons per hour, with a market resale value of $300+. If Congress would
pass a "you leak it, you lose it" law,
treasure hunters might converge on the spill, profitably cleaning it up
Waterworld style. Measured in dollars, the leak equates to about $5
million in floating black gold each day. Kevin, ask Congress to let you
get your $150 million.
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