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J. Scott Bechtel, CLP, MSIA In addition to being a published author and inventor himself, Scott leads workshops on intellectual property and is a Certified Licensing Professional. His most popular topics include patent portfolio management, effective patent litigation strategies, licensing and royalty auditing checklists, tips for doing business in Asia, and effectively using consultants and experts in high stakes patent litigation matters. Scott has an undergraduate degree in physics, with hands on experience and additional coursework in electrical engineering, biology, and biomedical engineering. He holds a quantitative Master of Science in Industrial Administration Conferred with Distinction (MBA) from Carnegie Mellon's Tepper School of Business (GSIA). Scott has completed the PLI (Kayton) Patent Bar Review Course. He is author of an engineering textbook on optoelectronics, dozens of published articles on IP, travel, and technology, and is named as an inventor on several US patents which were successfully commercialized. Scott is recognized for his pioneering development of automated software to expedite prior art search, identify licensing candidates, and locate subject matter experts. More recently, his structured methods for successfully brokering patent assets have helped clients generate cash from non-strategic patents. He is an active and contributing member of the Licensing Executives Society where he was elected to serve as the Secretary of the High Technology Sector.